Friday, April 23, 2010

EFL teaching - Superlatives

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Superlatives - Class 52, Sudoeste

Hi dear friends,

I'm so proud of my Teens 5 group that I've decided to share their
work with you. They wrote about their family members using superlative adjectives. All I did was to compile their files into a ppt one...the rest was all their work! Hope you appreciate their effort! 
Please take a look



Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Cutting movie segments.

This video assumes you already have a digital version of the video file. (Digital video files can be ripped from DVDs, VideoCD or BluRay. There are many programs that make this conversion, I use DVD Shrink.)

Even though Windows Live Movie Maker is a practical and simple solution, it has limitations regarding file type, it will handle .avi (today's standard for shared SDTV media) well but it won't open other popular formats like .flv (flash video from the web) or HDTV's standard .mkv.
Also the settings need tuning if you want to work with widescreen (16:9 and 16:10) files.
Another downside of using WLMM is the output format: it only exports video in .wmv. Although .wmv files are easily uploaded to youtube some third party software are not able of playing it (this is not an issue unless you work with different platforms, like a Windows desktop and a Unix/Mac laptop).

The mentioned keyboard shortcuts are:
'j' for frame-by-frame backwards
'k' for play/pause
'l' for frame-by-frame forward

Active and passive websharing.

There is enormous hype around Web 2.0, using it effectively, however, has been difficult for most of us. Teachers are usually much more excited than students when it comes to creating content on-line. One of the reasons for this is that students are 'web lazy', that means they do not wish to create new accounts for projects (face it, they already have e-mail, IMs, Orkut, Facebook and Twitter accounts to name a few).
The reality is that the Web is still used for passive information exchange by most users, who are open to receiving content but uncomfortable with creating it. With that in mind, here are two suggestions on how to use the Web with your groups without requiring students to create content.
First let me tell you about Glue: Glue is a cross browser tool that allows users to share likes and dislikes in one click. After the user has liked something and made a comment, it is categorised and displayed in a user friendly web page.
Go to the Glue website and install the tool bar. It will load when visiting websites such as, wikipedia or This makes it easy and simple to make suggestions on books, movies, music and topics for students.

This came in surprisingly handy for Movie Talk; since students watch segments from many different movies I post them (and others who didn't make the cut) on my Glue profile and students can see the suggestions on my Glue profile without having to log in.

Second on the list is Twitter. If you have a twitter account you can use its hashtag and search functionality to let absent students know what happened in the class. This works naturally for teens and young adults who know how to use Twitter, but a quick guide on the first class is necessary when dealing with older students.
All you have to do is teach students how to perform a search on twitter for their group's code as a hashtag (our naming system helps by providing unique codes for every group).
I have a Thomas Flex 6 group on Saturday, so their tag is #TF6S (notice tags do not allow '-'). After the class I log on to twitter and post the tag, followed by the pages we covered and the homework assignment. This makes it possible for absent students to catch up and do the homework. Best part is that it takes less than a minute to post and you can do it from your mobile.

Hope you enjoy the suggestions.