Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Using I-Pads to practice the Present Continuous with Flex 8 students

A poster made by a student
In an effort to overcome my resistance to – or fear of  using technology in class, I gathered all my courage and, in the second week of our classes, I  decided to take the risk of using IPads with my Thomas Flex 8 group of adult students.

I chose PicCollage, an app I am quite familiar with and not very difficult to deal with. My aim was to have students practice the Present Continuous, a tense which, although having its correspondence in Portuguese, causes a lot of problems to students. I started perspiring when the guy entered my class with the IPads; however, I tried to disguise my lack of confidence and asked the class what they knew about the chosen app. To my disappointment, no one had ever heard of it. I carefully demonstrated how to find and open PicCollage. 

To model the task I had in mind, I picked up a slip of paper where I had written an action – “read a book” – mimed it and asked a student to take my photo. Then I showed the class how to use the photo on PicCollage and how to add text, using a verb in the Present Continuous: “The teacher is reading a book”. When I was sure they were ready for the activity, I distributed slips with actions – “draw on the board”, “play basketball”, “dance” etc. - and had them work in pairs. One of them would mime the verb, and the other would take the picture, use it on PicCollage and add a sentence. To my surprise, some students were even able to insert stickers to their PicCollage posters. After they had finished the task, I wrote a short exchange on the board:

A: What’s your friend doing?

B: My friend  Bruno is playing basketball”.

Students were supposed to stand up and talk to three people, asking the question above.

My students had fun, were able to identify their problems – omission of verb to be or final –ing – and I was happy to have taken the risk and been successful! 

Do you see yourself trying something like this with your adult students? 

Beth Blom 


  1. I love the idea and will try it!!!

  2. I love the idea and will try it!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congrats, Beth! Good job!

  5. Congrats, Beth! (especially loved the description of your emotions!). I will share this idea with my coachees, for sure.

  6. Very nice, Beth! I'm really happy for you, for I know how scared we can get to use iPads in the classroom.


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